Hello there! Thank you for coming to check out a little about me! My name is Connor Holt, and I am on the pathway to becoming a professional photographer! I have Loved photography for the past 6 years, and I learn new things everyday about it! I am based in Utah, and I have lived here my entire life. Does that mean I am Mormon? Why yes it does! I am 20 years old, and I have taken pictures with my DSLR camera for about 4 years now. I have had many opportunites to be able to work with many professional photographers, and to learn from them. In the year of 2013 I had the chance as well to have a Internship with the Wedding photographers of Swensen Photography based here in Utah, and learned so much from them. I have loved every moment of this wonderful passion, and hope to keep it as a passion all my life.
I graduated High School back in the year of 2013. I went on a Mission for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints right after, and returned in 2015. I am now attending the College of Salt Lake Community College in Utah with the Presidential Scholarship and intentions to go to a Graduate University in a couple of years.
I am here to help make you happy with photography, I want to make you look happy and look good! I try to have fun while we are taking pictures, and hope to make you laugh, so we can have a real smile in those picture (Like above in my picture) so if's not one of those lame "Say Cheese" kind of pictures. I hope you enjoy visiting my website here, and if you do and would like to schedule some kind of photo shoot, you can contact me here with my email.